W saw Slap! last night, about a Ukrainian artist named David Burliuk, who was a futurist in Siberia, Japan, and New York. It featured my old pal Bob Holman, full of beans & wit, and bandura master Julian Kytasty. Presented by Yara Arts Group in the small basement space on East 9th Street where Ellen Steward got her start. Well-done, informative, important, & fun: what're you waiting for? It's there til February 9.
Holman & Matisse & Boog
February 16, 2020

Holman singing Matisse (Cutouts) at the BPC.
Totally great to see Bob Holman open yet another Boog extravaganza with his singing dancing music machine. He has made such a welcoming space at the Bowery Poetry Club. So happy to support it. Then a bunch of poets & musicians & plays. Fun afternoon!
September 11, 2017

Bob Holman takes on the art world! The lines of poetry in this 50-work show are his, the paintings are by Archie Rand. And the body, of course, is by Mary Shelley.
A fun show, on Allen & Delancey, & then we had paratha tacos & felt like we were Somewhere Else.
A fun show, on Allen & Delancey, & then we had paratha tacos & felt like we were Somewhere Else.